Thursday, 12 December 2019

Sharing the Love

    On Wednesday I had the privileged of speaking to a man loved of God. I cannot say whether he has a relationship with the Father, I can say that he had the look of a man needing to be loved. He was sitting on the low wall out the front of our church building. I approached him and we struck up a conversation.

    This man by his own admission needs a church home, by his own admission is struggling and by his own admission feels he has done to much wrong in life. There was a definite sense of unworthiness coming from him. Now I say, 'from his own admission' because we were just talking general conversation and without prompt he opened up.

    Here was a man hurting, and searching and longing to be loved. My bible says, "And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." Matthew 25:40. Now this for all the scholars out there may be a bit out of context. Yet it is the very verse placed on my heart. As Peter before the Sanhedrin said, "decide among yourselves, is it better to obey God or man?", I know my answer.

    We ended up chatting for a bit and when I left him, I felt a prompting to pray. When asked if he would mind if I pray for him, the response was a, to my eyes a, happy please do. I prayed for him and when finished received one of this best gifts this Christmas season. This man was moved and it showed on his face. He verbalized his gratitude for having come over to talk with him.

    He has an invite to our services and has admitted he needs to find a church family home to attend. I pray that he is moved of God to return and make our Church his home. The bible says, it is better to give than to receive. Leaving that moment, I felt elated that in some small way I was able to share God's great love for this man. I do not know what was happening on the inside of him at the time before sitting down with him, I do know that it was God ordained.

    In understanding that God prefers obedience over sacrifice, I've been honored to see a person touched. I don't know what seed/s have been planted. I trust God who say that He will complete the good work He has started. With a grateful heart, it is clearer now that love overcomes fear, for perfect love casts out fear, and when perfect love is shown even in a small manner He sheds light into the dark places and the darkness can do no other thing but flee.

    I have been blessed. Thank you my Lord.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Greatest of these is Love Pt 2

Some more thoughts on this vast subject.

"Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and love—yet love surpasses them all. So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run."
1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT

            It is beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind that there is nothing greater than love. Love holds all things together, empowers hope and upholds faith.

            Faith, trusting without doubt that all things will work out for good.
            Hope, knowing with absolute belief and certainty in a real not yet visible reality.

            Love, the anchor and support, foundation and power, faithful and true all-encompassing certainty of God great power, His love toward us.

            'Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered by God and experiences an intimate knowledge of him. The one who doesn’t love has yet to know God, for God is love. '1 John 4:7-8 TPT

The apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13 clearly identifies that which should be the objective of the race we run. The apostle John in 1 John 4:7-8 goes on to clarify be a shadow of a doubt that the love that is the beautiful prize for which we run is God himself and does this not just once but three times in this chapter alone
In this then is the height, width and depth of God’s love that though He has the power to change all things as He would will. He chooses to demonstrate His great love through sacrificial means. Oh, what grief we should have knowing that the creator of all that is gave of Himself to die to bring that which He has created back into relationship with Himself. Yet what precious joy that He would condescend to become a man to lift us, those who would deny Him, up to a place of restored communion. And not just to know one another, yet also to walk in all the glory, majesty, power and authority that belongs to Him. Dare we believe Him. Can we believe with greater trust and certainty the loving Word of the one who holds all things in His hands?

If so, I would ask that we search our hearts for there are some very tell-tale signs as to whether we truly believe. Amazingly enough these are simple things, yet at the same time of a depth that can only be empowered by the God who loves.

1.    Positive confession of Jesus Christ – “Here’s the test for those with the genuine Spirit of God: they will confess Jesus as the Christ who has come in the flesh.”      1 John 4:2

2.    A continual outpouring of love for one another, first brothers and sisters in Christ and then those who as yet do not know Him – “Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered by God and experiences an intimate knowledge of him.” 1 John 4:7

3.    Obedience of God’s command. - Anyone can say, “I love God,” yet have hatred toward another believer. This makes him a phony, because if you don’t love a brother or sister, whom you can see, how can you truly love God, whom you can’t see? For he has given us this command: whoever loves God must also demonstrate love to others. 1 John 4:20-21

These are just three things that can assist us in moving forward in God. And here is a principle that I personally have found in my walk. The more I pursue God’s love for me, the more I grow in love with Him. The more I love Him the more I find my faith growing for I find that I am trusting His Word to be true and in such I find myself holding onto a hope that knows that though I don’t see some things yet. When I ask there will be an answer. With this assurance a desire grows in me to share the love that is so profound. Sharing it with brothers and sisters in Christ and those who not yet know Him as Lord and Savior. There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Now based on them three things listed prior a few questions:

1.    Can I openly honestly and with all integrity before everyone I know, without any reservation declare Jesus is the Christ and he has come in the flesh and to continue is the only true and living Son of God?

2.    Is there a continual outpouring, that is expression, torrent and outburst of love for fellow believers and onward toward unbelievers that comes from my heart overwhelmed by the loved of God?

3.    Am I obeying, that is do my actions speak greater volume than the words from my mouth as to whether I love the Lord my God with every passion of my heart, with all the energy of my being, and with every thought that is within me, and do I love others as I love myself?

Still let me be clear there is so much more to the subject and this is, but things seen as in a mirror dimly. Yet in a heart such as mine that to be able to answer in affirmative to all of these helps to graft me more securely into the love that casts out fear. For my heart fears, but there is no fear in love. I have become the righteousness of Christ and this because of His great love no work of my own. I can stand because He has strengthened me in His joy, the joy He has, in loving me.

If you do not know this love, it is simply the act of faith to, as Jesus put it “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” Turn from the way that does not lead to life and walk in the way that does. So, whoever confesses with their mouth and believes in their heart that Jesus Christ is Lord will be saved. If you have done so, believe that you have received into your being the living Holy Spirit of God as His seal that you are His child.

Monday, 25 November 2019

The Greatest of these is Love

For over two years now the theme of love, the concept of love, the understanding of love and the revelation of love has been like tidal waves rising and falling in my heart, mind and soul. The primary readings that have created such intense meditation on the subject comes from the letters of John the Apostle. Yet for the purposes of this blog I will be referencing some other portions of scripture. Enjoy the jumble of my thoughts. Be blessed

Over time I have come to grasp that love in scripture is not just a feeling. In 1 Corinthians 13 it starts  by taking about actions that are related to attitudes of the heart. Now this is just how I see it so bare with me. I believe that the first three verses are not actually addressing the actions but the heart behind them. Without love the heart behind these actions is a desire to be seen, heard and have influence, it is a self focused attitude. This bares a warning of sorts that whatever we do it needs to be from a heart of love which is to be after Gods own, if it is not, though the gifts and call are irrevocable the place of relationship with the gift giver is absent and there is a very real risk of hearing words a kin to "begone from me you doers of iniquity, i do not know you". Heed this warning then that whatever we do, it is essential to be done from a place of love. That place is found here in Matthew 22:37-39, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." English Standard Version.

Back to 1 Corinthians 13. From verse four through to seven we get a very practical break down of what love does and doesn't do. Yet without sounding heretical this is nothing special in and of itself. We read "love is patient and kind" and this is true in scripture and in the world. People in and out of the christian circles have been considered very loving based on the acts of kindness they have shown or the depths of patience that has been displays. So though practically these verses are quite clear, straightforward even, for some reason something for me seemed lacking. What is so different about something that the church and the world share.

It is verse eight that starts to point to something greater. and the verses that follow indicate that there must be maturity to truly see more than what was mentioned in the previous verse. Yet Paul the Apostle who wrote the letters to Corinth was fully aware that even as we mature there would be only so much in our understanding while we walked the earth. Yet another hint to the truth of love. In verse eight of 1 Corinthians 13 he states " Love never ends.". Interestingly enough in Psalms 136 there are 26 verses that end saying "his steadfast love endures forever." What makes this interesting to me is that his love is steadfast which at its grass roots means "will not be moved". Also that His love endures forever. So there is no end to love, it is not removed ever from the object laid upon. So it is fair that when Paul ends this as we have divided it up chapter of the letter that he should state "the greatest of these is love."

This is very likely the best place to take a look at the greatest act of love. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." Our friend Paul says something long the lines of, while we where still hostile toward God he reached down to redeem us through his own son. The greatest demonstration of love is sacrifice. Sacrifice for the benefit of others be they friend or foe. Sacrifice that pays dearly yet joyously. "For the joy set before him, he endured the cross" Hebrews 12:2. I shall be as clear as I can. God loves you, he longs for loving relationship with you. We could not come into relationship with him due to the effects having been born into sin. So to make way for the relationship he through his Son paid the debt we could not. Think on that. We say sometimes that we would do anything, anything at all for some-one or something we love. God our Father demonstrated his great love.

With that said my thoughts return to the Greatest of all is Love. For those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, we now come to the letters of John the Apostle. Chapter three starts with a simple yet deeply profound and impacting statement, " See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. ... Beloved, we are God's children now, ..." 1 John 3:1-2. This dear friends should for all intents and purposes set a fire in your hearts, yet we are familiar with it. Yep we know this and? Well if we are children the we need to be like our Father, for we are his representatives here in the world as Jesus was. As much as I would like to say this is amazing and oh what joy. Great fear grips my being, how great is our God that he would love me, call to me, rescue me and then be happy for me to be his hands and feet and voice in this world. Seriously like, I know me. God is good and knows what he is doing. I must trust and press in and love Him.

A little something about love - a thought, that may mean nothing, yet well. My identity is revealed in, from and for love. Let me rephrase, my identity is revealed in, from and for God. With even the slightest grasp of this thought I can see my value with greater clarity. How can I not love the One who has loved me so. Oh and we do, and for the longest time I loved God but did not love myself. And I know can't say this but I didn't love people, especially them that like me called themselves christian. But I digress.

I would like to think that by now a thought has been developing in your minds. Something along the lines of God equals Love. If so then to clarify. Love is more than part of Gods character and nature. It is who He is. He can not, not love. Oh but if that is so then why all the bad that happens. I am not here to address those arguments, other than to say, that as a parent I have allowed the decisions of my children to play themselves out, not because I haven't  loved them, but because I love them. There is a time when consequences need to be felt. Never the less, this is my thought.

Hear what John says about God. "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whomever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:7-8 ESV Chapter four goes on to say a great many things. Some I would love to address yet for now I am still growing in my understanding and outworking of what God is showing me personally. What I can say is this. Jesus before he was taken yup into heaven gave a commission. He had fulfilled all he had done for the love of the Father. His last words according to the gospels, "All authority in heaven and on on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20

We are children, we are told to follow the example of Jesus. The great commission has no fulfillment if there is no love. The first commandment love God, Jesus loved God so much he was obedient even to the point of death. The second commandment love others as yourself, though we don't see self love as we know it displayed in the world, we do see a love that completely trusts and therefore is assured and from the conviction of absolute assurance of trust placed in the one that loves, Jesus demonstrates love to others. That love, is love that comes from the Father flowing into his children and while it returns back to the Father also flows out to others. When we have God we have love, when we love on God we are pouring out to him what he has poured out in us. Because it is so great we want to pour it out to others so they too may know God's great love. Love is the light of the world. Oh to be free to write more of what is on my heart yet for now, practicality can wait. It is in relationship that the fullness of function comes about, and I do not want to lead any into dead works.

Lord I pray this mess of writing may be enough to touch any who may read it. May they be blessed and come to know the fullness of your love. May they be so enveloped in your love that from the overflow everyone around them will be blessed, touched and experience the love that you our Father in heaven have for us. Amen.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Especially Among the Brothers and Sister in the Faith

Especially Among the Brothers and Sister in the Faith

  1. 14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith, but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? 17 So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead. James 2:14-17
  2. 9 Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to the family of faith. Galatians 6:10

 These two verses have been playing in my thoughts. Along with everything that the Apostle John says in his letters about love. And then while driving home it struck me. I heard Todd White say that we complicate things that are so simple. How true. It can't be counted on my hands how many times people have asked about how to reach out to, pray for the and show the character and nature of Christ to a lost and hurting world. Today it may be that the thought that came to mind is something of a revelation to me.

I have several children. As a parent I desire that my children learn certain fundamental things about life. Things like respect, honor, patience, compassion and sharing to name only a few. Now I send my children to school and the result of that is academic thinking and good grades, hopefully. Why to pursue a career or something like that going into there future. 

So then what good is a future where if you cannot respect your lecturers and there knowledge you will not learn. So where would they learn these things. Well in "theory", my children should learn these things at home from me and their mother. Now it is not to sit down and say to them, this is how I want you to behave. Instruction is only so good as how much it is demonstrated. So I need to demonstrate respect for them too see what it looks like. How by showing respect to their mother and to them. This applies for all the values I would have them grow in. 

Yet this is not enough. The children need to know that as my offspring, they too can behave in the manner they see my wife and I behave. That there identity comes from us as their parents and not the society at large. So we instill in them that they are respectful, honoring and compassionate and so forth. Why? You may ask. If we do not, then they will get a warped sense of identity from everything else around them.If keep tell them they are naughty ... well ... then odds are they will become naughty.

As I was saying, it is not just hearing and seeing instruction. It is practicing. No I am going to get a bit mystical on you here so just bear with me. A great athlete is one that shows up to the sport of his choice with the team of his choice and blows everyone away with his amazing skill even though he has never played before, yes? No, of course not. It takes practice, years and years of hard work. The same to with the values of the family. Children need to practice respect, honor, compassion. So now, at home among the family where it is safe to make mistakes and grow, children get the opportunity to practice these things, so by the time they are sent out of the home to be responsible for their own lives they have all the tools and are full equipped and trained in what they need to know.

Wow, all that ... Whats your point Richard? My point is this. How can we expect to go into the world to seek and save those who are in the dark when we are ill equipped and trained to do so. "Oh, but I have a doctorate in Biblical Theology," you may say. That is nice you also seem to have a bachelors in looking down on others. How does that show the grace and love of God? Am I making my point clear. Think about it. Where would you get to practice being generous? Where would you get to train yourself in showing compassion? Where would you get to display respect and honor? As a christian among the saints? Is this not discipleship? 

Or, do we just want to make converts? Show the face of something that draws people in and once in, we have yet another individual who may or may not grow up to be a self-fish, self-centered person without real faith and relationship with God. Oh, but each person is responsible for hi/her own walk with God. Yes this is true and t is also not. That is correct I said it is not entirely true. The Father says that He places the lonely in family. That we are adopted in Christ Jesus to become part of the family of God. If we can't even uphold one another in Christ what right do we have trying to reach a people we could potentially make ten times worse than ourselves.

Fundamentally. I want to encourage each Christian, young or old in the faith. Love God, with everything you are and love others as yourself. Jesus said he only does what he sees the Father doing and says what he hears the Father saying. If this is true then the example of Christ is to us the example of the Father. We need to practice that. Learn from Jesus' example, practice in and among the saints and then when you encounter some-one outside of the faith, its not a question of how do I deal with this. It will be so a part of your nature that you and I would not be able to help ourselves. 

And one last things. We will be so sure of our God, faith and belief that no matter the outcome there will be no fear or doubt, just a absolute certain hope. Why? Because we know that we know that our God is faithful, and that He has given us all we need for life and Godliness.